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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Why SERVPRO Restoration Services?

5/22/2023 (Permalink)

This shows the 1-4-8 policy of SERVPRO response time and how our system works.

During an Emergency the faster a SERVPRO of Dubuque professional can arrive on-site to preform water and smoke cleanup, the better the results, including lower costs.

Our Service Response Guidelines

1          Within one hour of notice of loss a SERVPRO of Dubuque Professional will contact you.

4          Within four ours of the loss notification SERVPRO of Dubuque professional will be on site to start mitigation services.

8          Within eight business hours of on-site arrival a verbal briefing of the scope will be communicated to the adjuster and client.

We know that when a loss occurs it causes a lot of distress and a common fear may be loss of control. A quick response from a SERVPRO of Dubuque professional will help ease this anxiety.

SERVPRO professionals are trained and equipped to help you to regain control of your life.

Let’s face it the faster you start a mitigation job and finish it results in lower claim costs.

By responding quickly we prevent or reduce extensive or secondary damage from a water loss.

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